A weekend long festival celebrating multi-disciplinary performance, practice, and process. Organized and curated by LOCULUS Collective. Presented in collaboration with The Northampton Center For The Arts, Ten Forward Arts Venue, and Looky Here.
Saturday July 31st at Northampton Center for the Arts
10am-12pm - class with Angie Hauser + Chris Aiken
8pm - Performances by Jay Keery, Sara Smith, Lauren Horn // Subira vs. Movement, and LOCULUS
Sunday August 1st at 10 Forward + Looky Here (Greenfield)
3pm - 7pm - Artist/Bookfair outside at 1 Forward, community riso zine making at Looky Here
8pm - Performances in the bar at 10 forward by Solo Termite, Dan Cashman + Ben Hersey, Son of Earth, and LOCULUS
Monday August 2nd at 10 Forward
8pm - film screening co curated by Otis Wheeler